Why am I Still Awake?

I did not expect this drink to keep me up all night.

Ian Fan
2 min readSep 27, 2023
Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash

This crossed my mind:

Sleep is for the weak

Have you had one of those moments when you wanted to sleep but couldn’t? My body cried for sleep but my brain cells screamed!

Tossing and turning, I tried to force myself to sleep.

A flashback of my conversation with a friend was on repeat in my mind. Like a broken tape recorder, I couldn’t seem to hit the stop button. The tape kept on rolling…

Are you a coffee or tea person?

My friend asked this question.

Whenever someone offers, “Coffee or tea?” Somehow, the social norm is coffee. Everyone around me would raise their hands for coffee.

Even if I wanted tea and the only one for it; I didn’t want to be the only one who hogged the tea pot.

Let’s start with coffee.

Over a cup of coffee is where our coffee preferences and caffeine tolerances differ.

Recently, she went on a decaf streak. An achievement unlocked.

Not that she needed coffee to function.

There are people who need coffee to function. I know and you know of such persons.

Despite drinking 3 cups of coffee in a day — she could still sleep soundly at night. To her, the term “coffee” equates to americano or espresso. That was her preference.

Like her, I can still sleep soundly at night, even after a cup and then cups of coffee. Unlike her, I preferred mocha or latte. My coffee must be with milk and chocolate.

Back to square one, “Coffee or tea?”

Instead, now, tea please. Chinese tea.

There are 2 ways to serve tea.

Tea from a tea pot, poured into a small tea cup has no effect on me. Tea in a glass cup has an effect on me.

I recalled the times I stayed awake through the night and they were because of a few glasses of tea, Chinese tea.

We may know our coffees, but do we know our Chinese teas? There are six different types of Chinese tea and here are the basics to catch you up on.

So, at dinner, I had teh ais (iced milk tea). Then another teh ais. 2 teh ais!

“Can you still sleep after these?”




My weaknesses to my sleep.

