How to Stake Ethereum in Luno Malaysia and South Africa

Ian Fan
1 min readFeb 2, 2024
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Now! Finally! In addition to buying and selling cryptos on Luno, you can stake your crypto (e.g. Ethereum) in Luno Malaysia and South Africa.

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In Luno Malaysia, this welcome addition is one of recent developments on the app. Recently, Luno users in Malaysia can use their Touch ‘n Go (TNG) eWallet to deposit funds into their Luno account. You can watch the tutorial video here.

For crypto staking, there’s one crypto that Luno has chosen to start with and it’s Ethereum (ETH).

According to Luno, you can earn crypto rewards of up to 4% per year if you stake Ethereum through Luno. Furthermore, the Ethereum staking is available to Luno users in Malaysia and South Africa.

To stake your Ethereum in Luno, you can watch the tutorial video below on YouTube.

This is not financial advice and invest at your own risk.

