Member-only story
Earn Income on a Small Agriculture Land

A while back, I visited a five acres plantation land. Well, if you ask me, “How big is five acres?” It equates to about 3.79 or four football fields. Unlike a football field, the terrain was not flat. The plantation was hilly and undulating. It was hilly at an edge and undulating all around.
Why does one own a piece of land or five acres of plantation land for that matter? Normally corporations own 1,000 acres and more of land. Small holders and farmers own small plots of land. They either inherited it or bought it for retirement use.
As with any plantation, of priority is the water and electricity sources. Going back to the five acres plantation land, it had a small stream running along the border. The owner installed a few reservoir tanks which pumped the water from the stream. The water was pumped upwards by a gravity mechanics. The reservoir tanks draws 4000 liters of water per hour. A generator was placed to power the pumps and provide electricity.

Planting Durians
The land had a gradient of 10 to 18 degrees slope from the ground to the top…